We will be on vacation from July 22 to August 2.
Contact us and we will indicate the exact date of entry from August 5 onwards.

In compliance with the provisions of Law 15/1999 of December 13, Protection of Personal Data, S.L. MegaTrofeos announced that:

1. With regard to personal data that may provide through the functionality of that Web site, we inform you that such data will be processed exclusively for the proper management of services ready through the same, by MegaTrofeos SL Also Megatrofeos may process the data for advertising and commercial information mailings by various means including electronic, about the company, its activities, products and services, as well as documentation of various kinds and for different media business information company .

2. Please note that your personal data will be included in a file duly registered with the Spanish Data Protection Agency, which is responsible MegaTrofeos SL (Calle Padre Claret, 5, 34004 Palencia, soporte@megatrogeos.es) with the possibility of exercising rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition.

3. To use our website is necessary to use cookies. Cookies are used in order to get visitor statistics and frequency of the site, if you wish you can set your browser to be warned when receiving cookies and to prevent installation of cookies on your hard drive. Please consult the instructions and manuals of your browser for more information.

4. For sending newsletters and similar communications, both MegaTrofeos S.Lutiliza data obtained through the Website, as other own databases that have among their aims the realization of such shipments, always taking into consideration the requirements of that Act.

5. When personal data is collected through the form, you must provide at least those marked with an asterisk, otherwise MegaTrofeos SL can not accept and manage compliance ratio established.

6. To exercise their rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition of the data, should be sent in writing with the reference "Data Protection" to MegaTrofeos S. L Street Padre Claret, 5, 34004 Palencia.

7. At the time that contribute data, it may express the desire not to receive commercial electronic communications by MegaTrofeos S.L. If you wish not to receive commercial electronic communications in the future, by Megatrofeos it may express this desire through the postal address provided above.

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